
What is TIJ Inkjet Printer?

With the complexity of customer requirements, the diversification of market application requirements, the overall supporting automation and the simplification of personnel, TIJ inkjet printers have gradually entered everyone's field of vision. High efficiency and fast speed have become two important keywords at the core. Today, Inkjet Label Printer Supplier will share with you the industry technical support in this regard, what is the TIJ inkjet printer, and analyze its market applications and development trends.

TIJ Inkjet Printer

TIJ Inkjet Printer

What is TIJ printer? What is its working principle in simple terms?

Simply put, TIJ inkjet printer is what we often call thermal foam inkjet printer.

The thermal foaming inkjet printer is simple to operate, easy to install, and powerful in printing. It can print real-time data, barcodes, two-dimensional codes, databases, etc., and has powerful editing functions. It can edit the text height up to 76.2mm. Code machine.

The structure is simple, generally composed of three parts: the host, power supply, and print heads. It does not require filters, cleaning and maintenance. It can achieve multi-head printing, and supports up to 6 print heads to work at the same time. You can replace other color inks at any time, such as black, yellow, Red, blue, white and other colors.

Introduction to the working principle of thermal foaming: Using thin-film resistors, the ink is instantly heated in the ink ejection area (instantly heated to above 300 ℃) to forma big bubble and expand at a very fast speed, forcing the ink Drops are ejected from the nozzle to form the required text, numbers, and barcodes.

When the bubble continues to expand, it disappears back to the resistor; when the bubble disappears, the ink in the nozzle shrinks back. Then the surface tension will generate suction, and then draw new ink to replenish the ink ejection area to prepare for the next cycle of printing.

Our company has TIJ Inkjet Printer on sale, welcome to contact us.



The Power of High-Speed Variable Date Printing Systems

In today's fast-paced business environment, the need for efficient and flexible printing solutions is paramount. The advent of high-speed variable date printing systems has revolutionized the way companies handle data printing tasks. These advanced systems offer unparalleled speed, accuracy, and versatility, catering to a wide range of industries and applications. In this article, we will explore the capabilities and benefits of   high-speed variable date printing systems , shedding light on their significance and relevance in meeting the dynamic demands of the modern business landscape. The Evolution of Data Printing Data printing plays a critical role in various industries, including manufacturing, logistics, retail, and pharmaceuticals. Traditionally, printing large volumes of customized information, such as dates, batch numbers, barcodes, and variable data, was a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. High-speed variable date printing systems have emerged as a game-changer

Advantages of Thermal Inkjet Printer

Understanding Thermal Inkjet Technology Thermal  inkjet technology  is a non-impact printing method that involves the use of tiny droplets of ink expelled onto the printing surface. It relies on thermal energy to heat the ink and create the necessary pressure for droplet ejection. This technology enables precise and controlled placement of ink droplets, resulting in high-resolution prints. How Thermal Inkjet Printers Work Thermal inkjet printer  consist of a print head with a series of microscopic nozzles. These nozzles are heated rapidly using a tiny heating element. As the ink within the nozzles heats up, it forms a vapor bubble, which forces an ink droplet out of the nozzle and onto the paper or other printing substrate. This process repeats for each required dot, creating the desired image or text. High-Quality Prints with Exceptional Detail One of the primary advantages of thermal inkjet printers is their ability to produce prints with exceptional detail and clarity. The precise c

How does DOD large character inkjet printer work for industrial marking and coding applications?

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